AMFRA Farm to School Initiative
AMFRA is committed to fostering a well-rounded education that integrates better nutrition, financial literacy, and physical fitness. Through hands-on experience with sustainable gardening practices, we empower cadets to cultivate healthy habits, financial stability, and stronger connections to their families and communities. These experiences prepare cadets to become resilient leaders and citizens who embody health, wellness, and self-reliance in every aspect of their lives.
Mission Statement:
- Integration: Integrate better nutrition, financial literacy, physical fitness, and a long-term commitment into the curriculum.
- Experiential Learning: Provide hands-on experience in a variety of gardening practices.
- Empowerment: Empower students to cultivate healthy habits and responsible citizenship.
- Community Connection: Foster a connection with the community and environment.
- Preparation: Prepare students to become resilient leaders and citizens dedicated to health, wellness, and self-reliance.
We welcome community volunteers to help with our cadets in this initiative. During the first year (2024-2025), we will create and utilize 15-bucket "bucket gardens" with the intention of moving toward raised-bed gardening going forward. If you might be interested in volunteering, please fill out this form - - and we will be in touch for our planning meeting and subsequent implementation meetings.