State Required Info » AMFRA Wellness Policy

AMFRA Wellness Policy

The health and physical well-being of our students directly affects their ability to learn.  Childhood obesity increases the incidence of adult diseases occurring in children and adolescents such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. The increased risk carries forward into their adulthood.  Research indicates that a healthy diet and regular physical activity can help prevent obesity and the diseases resulting from it.  It is understood that the eating habits and exercise patterns of students cannot be changed overnight, but at the same time, AMFRA Board of Directors believes it is necessary to strive to create a culture in our schools that consistently promotes good nutrition and physical activity.


The problem of obesity and inactivity is a public health issue.  The Board is keenly aware that it has taken years for this problem to reach its present level and will similarly take years to correct.  The responsibility for addressing the problem lies not only with the schools and the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education but with parent/guardians, the community and its residents, organizations and agencies.  Therefore, the District shall enlist the support of the larger community to find solutions that improve the health and physical activity of our students.



In its efforts to improve the school nutrition environment, promote student health, and reduce childhood obesity, the district will adhere to the Arkansas Rules Governing Nutrition and Physical Activity Standards in Arkansas Public Schools.  Adhering to these rules will include, but is not limited to district efforts to:


  1.  Appoint a district school health wellness coordinator and/or designee who shall be responsible for ensuring that all required evaluations and documentation are complete to ensure policy compliance.
  2. Implement a grade appropriate nutrition education program that will develop an awareness of and appreciation for nutrition and physical activity throughout the curriculum.
  3. Enforce existing physical education requirements and engage students in healthy levels of vigorous physical activity.
  4. Strive to improve the quality of physical education curricula and increase the training of physical activity teachers.
  5. Follow the Arkansas Physical Education and Health Education Frameworks in grades 9-12.
  6. Not use foods or beverages as rewards for academic, classroom, or sports performances.
  7. Ensure that drinking water is available without charge to all students.
  8. Establish class schedules and bus routes that don’t directly or indirectly restrict meal access.
  9. Provide students with ample time to eat their meals in a clean and pleasant dining area.
  10. Establish no more than nine (9) school wide events, which permit exceptions to the food and beverage limitations established by Rule.  THe schedule of events shall be approved by the principal, and shall be part of the annual school calendar.
  11. Abide by the current allowable food and beverage portion standards.
  12. Meet or exceed the more stringent of Arkansas’ or the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrition Standards for reimbursable meals and a la. Carte foods served in the cafeteria; including Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, and food and beverage marketing and advertising regulations.
  13. Restrict access to vended foods/beverages, competitive foods/beverages and foods/beverages of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) as required by law and Rule.
  14. Conform new and/or renewed vending contracts to the content restrictions contained in the Rules and reduce district dependence on profits from the sale of FMNV.
  15. Provide PD opportunities to all staff on the topics of nutrition and/or physical activity.
  16. Utilize the School Health Index (SHI) available from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to assess triennially how well the district is doing at implementing this wellness policy and at promoting a healthy environment for its students.
  17. School staff are encouraged and supported to practice healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors outside of school.
  18. The district will continue to support the promotion of community life-long healthy habits through formal Joint Use Agreement.
  19. Demonstrate compliance with the public notification requirements via the district website.


Advisory Committee

To enhance the district’s efforts to improve the health of our students, a School Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Committee (SNPAAC) will be established and is composed of a variety of stakeholders who ensure age appropriate recommendations are made which correlate to our district’s- grade configurations.  Members of the district;s School Board, school administrators, school nutrition personnel, physical education teachers, school health professionals, parents, students, health professional groups and community members shall be included in the development, implementation and periodic review of the district’s wellness policy to the extent interested persons from each group desire to be included.


The SNPAAC shall have the powers and responsibilities delegated to it by statute of Rule.  THe overarching goal of the committee shall be to promote student wellness by monitoring how well the district is doing at implementing this policy.   The SNPAAC shall use modules 1,2, 3, 4, 10 and 11 of the CDC’s School Health Index as a basis for assessing the school’s progress toward meeting the requirements of this policy.  The results of the annual assessment shall be included in the school’s ACSIP, provided to the school’s principal and reported to the board.  THe building level committee or designees will establish goals for nutrition education and/or promotion and physical activity, and other school based activities to promote wellness.


Legal References:     Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act 42 U.S.C. § 1751 et seq.

Child Nutrition Act of 1966 42 U.S.C.§ 1771 et seq.

A.C.A. 20-17-133, 134, and 135 DESE Rules Governing Nutrition and Physical Activity Standards in Arkansas Public Schools Allowable Competitive Foods/Beverages - Maximum Portion Size List for

Middle, Junior High, and High School Nutrition Standards for

Arkansas Public Schools (Memo FIN-06-106)

Wellness Policy Requirements: Updates from USDA Final Rule (Memo CNU-17-016)

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Sec. 204 PL. § I l 1-296

Arkansas Act 1220 of 203 Arkansas Act 2285 of 2005

A.C.A. §

A.C.A. § A.C.A. §

A.C.A. §

Dated Adopted:  12/16/2023, Reviewed 8/12/2024